§ 16-43. Conditions of participation.  

Latest version.
  • The county manager or designee shall ensure that organizations or individuals participating in the adopt-a-park program shall abide by the following conditions:


    Any Lake County community organization or individual, such as a civic, social, or school organization or individual, as well as businesses, and individuals eighteen (18) years of age or older, may be issued a permit by the senior director of the office of facilities and capital improvements or a designee to adopt a park. Participants shall have approved permit applications on file with the senior director of the office of facilities and capital improvements prior to issuance of a permit, and prior to participation in any cleanup effort. The senior director of the office of facilities and capital improvements or a designee shall assist the permitted organization or individual in the selection of the county park to be adopted.


    The members of any participating organization or an individual shall obey and abide by all laws, ordinances and regulations relating to safety and other matters as may be required by the senior director of the office of facilities and capital improvements. The senior director of the office of facilities and capital improvements or a designee shall have authority to require adherence to special regulations in relation to county parks which may offer unusual problems or safety.


    The permitted organization or individual shall be responsible for furnishing adequate supervision by one (1) more adults for participants who are fifteen (15) years of age or younger.


    Each permitted organization or individual shall conduct at least one (1) safety meeting per year.


    Participants who are sponsored by permitted organizations or individuals shall be required to attend a safety meeting conducted by the permitted organization or individual before participating in the cleanup of the adopted park.


    Each permitted organization or individual shall adopt one (1) county park for a minimum period of two (2) years.


    Each permitted organization or individual shall pick up litter a minimum of twelve (12) times each year, with the year measured from the date the permit is issued. The senior director of the office of facilities and capital improvements or a designee may require a greater number of minimum pickups based upon the location and volume of litter on a county park. The senior director of the office of facilities and capital improvements or a designee may grant an exception to the minimum number of pickups where fewer litter pickups are necessary in order to maintain cleanliness.


    Each permitted organization or individual shall obtain supplies and materials from the office of facilities and capital improvements at a designated location during regular business hours.


    Participants shall not possess or consume alcoholic beverages while participating in the litter pickup.


    Each permitted organization or individual shall ensure that a first-aid kit and adequate drinking water are available to participants during litter pickup.


    Each permitted organization or individual shall ensure that litter collected is placed in trash bags furnished by the office of facilities and capital improvements to be collected by and disposed of by the office of facilities and capital improvements.


    No permitted organization or individual shall subcontract or assign its duties to any other organization or individual. Each permitted organization or individual shall act as an independent contractor in picking up litter, and shall not be subject to the control of the office of facilities and capital improvements, provided that the provisions of this chapter are complied with.


    Each permitted organization shall elect a chairperson to represent the organization in the conduct of its affairs with the office of facilities and capital improvements. An individual shall designate a person to represent himself or herself.

(Ord. No. 1996-35, § 3, 4-9-96; Ord. No. 1997-1, § 3, 1-21-97; Ord. No. 2012-1, § 8, 1-10-12)