§ 14-34. Excessive noise prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall create, continue or cause to be created any excessive noise audible to persons within the unincorporated areas of Lake County, Florida. Excessive noise shall mean a noise that is:


    Of such amount or of such duration, wave frequency or intensity as may be or is injurious to human or animal life or property;


    Of such amount, level, duration or character as to annoy, disturb, injure or unreasonably interfere with or endanger the health, peace or comfortable enjoyment of life, property or the conduct of business; or


    Of such character and in such quantity or level as to be detectible by a considerable number of persons or the public, so as to interfere with such persons or the public health, repose or safety, or to cause severe annoyance or discomfort; or which interferes with the normal conduct of business, or is otherwise detrimental or harmful to the health, comfort, living conditions, welfare and safety of the inhabitants of the county.


    The definition of "noise disturbance" includes sounds that are created within a municipality or county other than Lake County, but which are detected within the unincorporated boundaries of Lake County, Florida.

    Factors to be considered in determining whether such noise is excessive include, but are not limited to the level of the noise, whether the origin of the noise is natural or unnatural, the nature of the zoning of the area from which the noise emanates and the area of where it is received, the proximity of the noise to sleeping facilities, the time of day or night the noise occurs, the duration of the noise and whether the noise is recurrent, intermittent or constant.

(Ord. No. 2005-3, § 2, 1-4-05)