Lake County |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix A. LOCAL LAWS |
§ 15.02.00. Clermont Joint Planning Area (JPA) Land Development Regulations; Boundary.
The following are the regulations and standards that Shall apply within the Clermont JPA area. The regulations in 15.02 Shall supplement, and where inconsistent, supersede other provisions within the Lake County Land Development Regulations. The Clermont JPA includes the following described land:
Legal Description
Begin at the intersection of the south right-of-way line of the Florida Turnpike and the east line of Section 24, Township 22 South, Range 26 East; thence south along the east line of Range 26 East to the south line of Section 24, Township 23 South, Range 26 East; thence west to the east line of Section 28, Township 23 South, Range 26 East; thence south to the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 27; thence northerly along said westerly right-of-way line to the south line of Section 21, Township 23 South, Range 26 East; thence west to the west line of the East ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 23, Township 23 South, Range 25 East; thence north to the east-west center section line of said Section 23; thence west to the west line of Section 22, Township 23 South, Range 25 East; thence north to the north right-of-way of State Road No. 50; thence easterly along said northerly right-of-way to the easterly shore of the Palatlakaha Canal; thence in a northeasterly direction along said easterly shore of the Palatlakaha Canal to Lake Hiawatha; thence northwesterly along the shore of Lake Hiawatha to the south line of Section 14, Township 22 South, Range 25 East; thence west along the south line of said Section 14 to the west line of said section, thence north along said west line of Section 14 to the southerly right-of-way of County Road No. 565-A; thence easterly along said southerly right-of-way to the easterly right-of-way of County Road No. 561-A; thence northerly along said easterly right-of-way to the shores of Lake Minneola; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the waters of Lake Minneola to the south right-of-way of Division Street, according to the official map of the City of Clermont; thence east to the west line of Section 17, Township 22 South, Range 26 East; thence south along said west line of Section 17 to the south line of Section 17; thence east along said south line to the west line of the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 17; thence north along said west line to the north line of said Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼; thence east along said north line to the east line of said Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼; thence south along said east line to the south line of said Section 17; thence east along said south line of Section 17 to the east line of Section 17; thence north along said east line to the northeast corner of Section 17; thence east along the north line of Section 16 and 15; Township 22 South, Range 26 East to the south right-of-way of the Florida Turnpike; thence southeasterly along said right-of-way to the point of beginning.
15.02.01 Land Use and Zoning Standards.
Zoning Provisions. All newly proposed development within the Clermont JPA will have minimum lot sizes and minimum road frontage and setbacks unless within a Planned Unit Development. Tables 15.02.01 (A—E) reflect minimum lot sizes and minimum road frontage and setbacks within each Zoning District allowed within the JPA. Within the appropriate land use designations, the minimums listed below Shall apply.
In addition to the Zoning Districts listed in Tables 15.02.01 (A—E) Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning Shall be allowed. Specific conditions placed on the approved PUD Shall govern those issues relating to setbacks, minimum lot size and road frontage.
Table 15.02.01A Lot Size and Frontage Requirements Matrix
Zoning District
Minimum Lot Size
A 150 43,560 sq. ft (1 acre) in cluster development @ 1du/5acres RA 150 43,560 sq. ft (1 acre) in cluster development @ 1du/5acres AR 150 43,560 sq. ft (1 acre) in cluster development @ 1du/2.5 acres R-1 100 43,560 sq. ft (1 acre) R-2 100 21,780 sq. ft. R-3 100 13,000 sq. ft. R-4 85 10,000 sq. ft. R-6 75 7,500 sq. ft. RM 75 7,500 sq. ft. RP* 75 7,500 sq. ft. *Minimum lot area must be accommodated for, for each unit proposed; eg. a ten (10) unit condo must have a base site area of seventy-five thousand (75,000) square feet or one (1) duplex must have seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet of lot for each unit in the duplex.
Table 15.02.01B Front Setback Requirements
Zoning District
A, RA, AR, R1, R2, R3, R4, R6 RP, RM Property adjacent to state, federal, County secondary highways, and roadways designated as a collector Shall maintain a fifty-foot setback from the highway ROW for any structure. A, RA, AR, R-1 Property adjacent to Roads other than state, federal, and County secondary highways Shall maintain a thirty-five-foot setback from the ROW for any structure or sixty (60) feet from the centerline of the traveling surface of a prescriptive Road, whichever is more restrictive. R-2, R-3, R-4, R-6 Property adjacent to Roads other than state, federal, and County secondary highways Shall maintain a twenty-five-foot setback from the ROW for any structure or sixty (60) feet from the centerline of the traveling surface of a prescriptive Road, whichever is more restrictive. RP, RM In the RP and RM districts, in the case of internal easements for ingress or egress, where such easements have been legally created, the setback Shall be twenty-five (25) feet from the ROW easement. C1, C2 C3, CP, LM, HM, MP, CFD All buildings Shall be set back no less than fifty (50) feet from all roads, or ROW easements bounding the project area. However, if there is Existing Development, with existing structures on a block, and all right-of-way, which is required by Lake County, is dedicated to the public, then a setback, computed by the average of the structures on the block, Shall be permitted. Table 15.02.01C Residential Side Setback Requirements
Zoning District
(Primary Structure)
Side and Rear
for Accessory Buildings/
Pools and Pool Enclosures
A 25 25 25 RA 25 25 25 AR 25 25 25 R1 25 10 10 R2 25 10 10 R3 25 10 10 R4 25 7.5 7.5 R6 25 7.5 7.5 RP 25 7.5 7.5 RM 25 7.5 7.5 Table 15.02.01D Commercial Side Setback Requirements
Zoning District
C1, C2, CP, LM, HM, MP, CFD All yard setbacks for principal and accessory buildings Shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet from residentially designated land and residential structures.
Rear setbacks Shall be no less than twenty-five (25) feet for all structures.
Side setbacks Shall be equal to the required landscape buffer, but no less than twelve (12) feet.
Table 15.02.01E Other Setback Requirements
All structures Fifty (50) feet from established high-water line or wetland jurisdictional line, whichever results in a greater setback from the wetland or water body Structures exceeding two (2) stories Setbacks from any rear or side property line Shall be no less than that required for the Zoning District plus fifteen (15) feet for each story in excess of two (2). Corner lots and double frontage lots Secondary front yard setback Shall be twenty-five (25) feet. C.
Height requirements for the districts indicated are as follows:
Maximum height of thirty-five (35) feet Shall be allowable for all designated habitable, occupancy use areas of a Building or structure, and a maximum height of forty-five (45) feet Shall be allowable for the finished height of all buildings or structures. For the purposes of this section, habitable, occupancy use area Shall mean that portion of a building or structure included between the upper surface of a floor and the ceiling above, intended for human occupancy. The height limitations of this chapter Shall also apply to church spires, chimneys, belfries, cupolas and domes not intended for human occupancy. Monuments, transmission towers, chimneys, smokestacks, derricks, conveyors, silos or storage bins, flagpoles and radio or television transmission towers or aerials Shall be a maximum of thirty-five (35) feet in height.
Proposals for development, including residential cluster subdivisions, that are filed under a Planned Unit Development may request waivers to any of the preceding requirements as part of the PUD rezoning request.
15.02.02 Treatment of Land with Wetlands and Floodplains
Alteration, construction, or encroachment Shall not be allowed within the one-hundred-year floodplain, except as provided under this section.
This provision Shall not apply to Existing Development or a development approved prior to the adoption of this section.
Alteration or expansion of an existing legally permitted structure Shall be allowed provided all other local, state and federal regulations are complied with.
Accessory structures to a legally existing primary structure Shall be allowed provided all other local, state and federal regulations are complied with.
Water dependent structures such as, docks, boardwalks, piers, boat ramps, or similar structures may be constructed within the one-hundred-year floodplain, provided all other local, state and federal regulations are complied with.
Where there is no other practical or reasonable means of ingress and egress utilities, roadways, easements or driveways may encroach within the one-hundred-year floodplain provided:
Compensating storage is provided, where necessary: and,
Copies of any agency permits obtained are submitted to Lake County to be retained on file; and,
The natural flow of water within the effected floodplain is allowed to continue via culverts or other engineering means.
Alteration of or development within lands below the wetland jurisdictional line Shall not be allowed, except as provided under this section.
Where there is no other practical or reasonable means of ingress and egress, utilities, roadways, easements or driveways may encroach within the wetland area provided:
Proposed mitigation is acceptable to Lake County and the appropriate permitting agency: and,
Copies of any agency permits obtained are submitted to Lake County to be retained on file; and,
The natural flow of water within the effected area is allowed to continue via culverts or other engineering means.
Water dependent structures such as, docks, boardwalks, piers, boat ramps, or similar structures may be constructed within the one-hundred-year floodplain, provided all other local, state and federal regulations are complied with.
Proposals for mitigation of wetland areas, other than on those lands within the Green Swamp Area of Critical State Concern, may be considered through the variance process.
15.02.03 Utility Construction Standards. All utility plans Shall be reviewed by the respective utility provider. Prior to the issuance of development orders or certificates of occupancy by the County, all utility and construction plans Shall have documentation of approval from the respective utility provider or, if central utilities are not being provided, by the Lake County Health Department.
Conformance with adopted standard construction details. All underground utilities Shall be installed by an underground contractor licensed in the State of Florida.
Fire hydrants.
Placement and spacing. Fire hydrants Shall be installed at all street intersections and at intervals between street intersections not to exceed the distances listed in the table in subsection (e) of this section. Prior review and approval of plans by a fire official Shall be required. Approved plans Shall indicate hydrant location, main size, and other pertinent criteria required by the Utility Provider. This requirement Shall be in effect for water lines installed anywhere in the JPA, within the City or the unincorporated area, and within and without any proposed development.
Sprinkler or standpipe systems. Where a sprinkler or standpipe system is provided, a fire hydrant Shall be located at least fifty (50) feet away from the structure, but not more than one hundred (100) feet away from the fire department's connection for the system.
On-site hydrants. When buildings, other than one- and two-family dwellings, are situated off of a road or other drive so as to cause hose lays from the nearest hydrant in excess of the permitted distances listed in the table in subsection (e) of this section, a sufficient number of hydrants Shall be provided on the site meeting all the requirements of this chapter.
Hose lay measurement. Hose lay measurement Shall be the distance from a hydrant, along a road, drive or other traveled way designed to accommodate fire equipment, to the attack location approved by the fire official. Hose lay is not allowed across any collector or arterial road to meet the minimum requirements of this section.
Hydrant specifications and installation. All fire hydrants Shall be of the breakaway design, meeting the specifications of the standard construction details, and specifically approved by the fire and public utilities departments to ensure standardization. The standard hydrant approved for use in the City is the Mueller model A-423. Hydrants Shall be installed as depicted in the standard construction details, with the center of the lowest operating outlet no less than eighteen (18) inches above grade, and the top of the operating nut no higher than fifty-four (54) inches above the surrounding grade.
Access and visibility. Hydrants Shall not be located closer than three (3) feet to or more than twenty (20) feet from the edge of a street, drive or other accessway. No fence, tree, post, shrub or other object, which could block the hydrant from normal view or obstruct the hydrant's use Shall be located within six (6) feet of the hydrant. Unless otherwise requested by the fire official, the four and one-half-inch large-volume connection Shall face the nearest roadway, or if located within a complex or parking area, Shall face the nearest traffic way. No hydrant Shall be installed where pedestrian or vehicular traffic would interfere with the use of the hydrant.
Ownership and maintenance. All fire hydrants located on public rights-of-way or designed to serve multiple ownerships Shall be conveyed by approved instrument to the Utility Provider. Once the Utility Provider has accepted ownership, the City Shall be responsible for the maintenance of these hydrants.
Fire hydrants and mains. All fire hydrants and mains, including those privately owned, that are connected to the City's potable water system Shall conform to City standards. Barrels of privately owned fire hydrants Shall be OSHA red.
Additional standards. If certain items are not directly addressed in this section, recommended standards for waterworks Shall be used.
Minimum main size, flow rate and hydrant spacing. Minimum main size, flow rate and hydrant spacing by land use are as follows:
Table 15.02.03A Minimum Hydrant Spacing By Land Use
Fire Hydrant Maximum
Land Use
Spacing (feet)
Hose Lay (feet)
Group I. Detached single-family and duplexes 600 300 Group II. Townhouses, multifamily buildings less than three (#) stories and no more than twelve (12) units per building 500 or 600 if sprinkled 300 Group III. Multifamily buildings, three (3) or more stories or over twelve (12) units per building, and commercial buildings less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet and three (3) stories or less 500 or 600 if sprinkled 300 Group IV. Commercial buildings over ten thousand (10,000) square feet and warehouse and industrial buildings 400 or 500 if sprinkled 300 Interior separations or firewalls Shall not be used to reduce the minimum water supply requirements of this section without the explicit written consent of the fire official.
Fire mains to be connected to an existing water line smaller in diameter than that required above may be reduced in size if the design engineer can successfully demonstrate that the required flows can be met with a smaller main.
Note: This table is a guide for the development of new sites and subdivisions, and does not guarantee fire flow adequacy outside of one- and two-family dwelling subdivisions. In those portions of the JPA where existing water mains cannot meet the requirements in this table, other building-specific measures can be used to reduce fire flow.
Solid waste collection service.
Minimum service requirements. All townhouse, multifamily, commercial and industrial development Shall provide facilities for service as follows:
Townhouses and multifamily projects. Townhouse and multifamily projects Shall provide a dumpster pad with an approved enclosure at a ratio of one (1) dumpster for every twenty-five (25) residential units or fraction thereof. Fee simple owned townhouses with direct road frontage (as opposed to parking lots or private drives) are exempt from dumpster service requirements.
Commercial developments. Commercial developments Shall provide one (1) dumpster pad with an approved enclosure for every seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet of retail space and every ten thousand (10,000) square feet of office space.
Industrial developments. Industrial developments Shall provide one (1) dumpster pad with an approved enclosure for every ten thousand (10,000) square feet of office or manufacturing space, and one (1) dumpster for every thirty thousand (30,000) square feet of warehouse space.
Institutional buildings. Institutional buildings Shall meet the requirements or combination of requirements that reflects the specific uses of the building.
Additional facilities or service. If the number of dumpsters does not meet the regular needs of the development, the County may require the construction of additional facilities.
Facility design. The layout and design of dumpsters and other solid waste facilities (i.e. compactors) Shall comply with the following criteria and the adopted standard paving and drainage details of the City of Clermont:
Accessibility. Dumpster pad locations Shall be designed to accommodate front-loading trucks. Multiple locations Shall be oriented to allow the shortest route to service the group of dumpsters. Dumpster locations should generally be angled at forty-five (45) degrees or less from access drives except when located at intersections allowing ninety-degree access.
Clearance. Fences, walls, landscaping and other improvements Shall be located so as to provide acceptable vehicle operating clearance, including vertical clearance from power lines, light standards and trees.
Enclosure. Each dumpster and compactor location Shall be surrounded by a concrete masonry unit enclosure with wooden gates as depicted in figure 114-A. The enclosure Shall exceed the vertical height of the dumpster by at least six (6) inches, with a maximum height of nine (9) feet. The required setback for enclosures Shall be five (5) feet adjacent to property that is either zoned or used as commercial and twenty-five (25) feet adjacent to property that is either zoned or used as residential. The enclosure Shall be constructed using colors and architectural treatments consistent with the structure or facility it serves. Alternative architectural treatment and colors may be approved in those situations where the enclosure is physically or visually separated from the primary structure.
Electrical, telephone and television cable service. Except as required by law, underground installation of electrical, telephone and television cable lines and other such utilities will be required to the greatest extent feasible, to ensure public safety, foster tree preservation and protect the general aesthetic character of the JPA.
Installation requirements. Except as provided in this section, all utility lines and services, with the exception of temporary construction lines, Shall be installed underground at the owner's, developer's or builder's expense. This Shall specifically apply to all cables, conduits or wires forming part of an electrical distribution system, including service lines to individual properties necessary to serve new development, or existing development where new or upgraded service is being installed. Underground installation Shall not be required for:
Appurtenances such as transformers, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, when placed on a level concrete slab and located so as to minimize noise effects on surrounding properties.
Replacement of existing overhead service lines, where no other site improvements are required due to expansion or change of use.
Replacement of lines on existing poles.
Service to individual residential lots in developed areas presently served by overhead utility lines (infill areas).
The use of areas within the City or County rights-of-way Shall conform to specifications of the City Public Works Manual, or Chapter IX of the Lake County Code.
15.02.04 Architectural standards. Architectural finish and building elevation details for the commercial and industrial areas Shall be submitted and approved by the Development Review Staff prior to any development activity to ensure aesthetic and public safety considerations are properly addressed.
The following design standards Shall apply to all commercial site development until such time as countywide architectural design standards are adopted and agreed to by the City of Clermont.
Facades and Exterior Walls:
Ground Floor Facades that face public streets Shall have arcades, display windows, entry areas, awnings or other such features along no less than sixty (60) percent of their horizontal length.
Facades greater than one hundred (100) feet in length, measured horizontally, Shall incorporate wall plane projections or recesses having a depth of at least three (3) feet. No uninterrupted length of any facade Shall exceed one hundred (100) horizontal feet.
The loading areas Shall be properly screened from public view. Proper screening Shall include but is not limited to provision of a minimum ten-foot wide landscape buffer along the side of the building where the loading area is located.
Parapet walls or other design features Shall be used to conceal flat roofs and rooftop equipment such as HV AC units from public view from all sides of the building. Parapet walls or other design features Shall be constructed at a height of at least one (1) inch above the tallest roof top unit. A metal or other enclosure for rooftop equipment does not constitute screening from public view. The average height of such parapets Shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the height of the supporting wall and such parapets Shall not at any point exceed one-third ( 1/3 ) of the height of the supporting wall.
No uninterrupted length of any roofline or parapet wall Shall exceed one hundred (100) horizontal feet.
Materials and colors:
The predominant exterior finish Shall be of high quality materials, including, but not limited to, brick, stone, stucco and textured concrete masonry units. The finished surface of the exterior walls Shall not include smooth-faced concrete block, tilt-up concrete panels or prefabricated steel panels.
Facade colors Shall be low reflective, subtle, neutral or earth tone colors. The use of high-intensity colors, metallic colors, black or fluorescent colors Shall be prohibited.
Building trim and accent areas Shall be limited to one (1) primary color. The use of a primary color in the building trim is limited to a one-foot wide band around the building. Neon tubing Shall not be an acceptable feature for building trim or accent areas.
Each large retail establishment Shall have a clearly defined customer entrance featuring no less than three (3) of the following:
canopies or porticos;
peaked roof forms;
architectural details such as tile work and moldings which are integrated into the building structure and design;
integral planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped areas and/or places for sitting.
Outdoor storage:
All materials stored outside must be within an opaque enclosure. Chain link fencing is prohibited.
Building facade landscaping:
Landscape plantings Shall be provided around the perimeter of buildings in order to break up the monotony of blank expanses of walls and to generally enhance the aesthetics of any building. Landscape areas Shall be provided adjacent to or within twenty-five (25) feet from the building walls visible to the public. The landscape areas Shall extend along sixty (60) percent of the total length of the wall, exclusive of those areas required for direct access to the building. The planting area Shall be at least thirty-six (36) inches in width.
Walls: Design and maintenance - walls Shall have a finished top or cap block. All walls visible from the public right-of-way and adjoining properties Shall be designed to incorporate an architectural finish such as stucco, split face block, brick, stone, or other material designed to disguise concrete block, or poured concrete construction.
Solid Waste Disposal Collection - Dumpsters, Compactors, etc.: The layout and design of dumpsters and other solid waste facilities (i.e. compactors) Shall comply with the following criteria:
Enclosure. Each dumpster and compactor location Shall be located behind the front setback of the primary building and Shall be surrounded by a concrete masonry unit enclosure with gates constructed of wood, architectural metal, or other material that is architecturally compatible with the primary building design. The material used Shall provide an opaque screen so the dumpster will not be visible from the outside. Chain link fencing is not permitted. The enclosure Shall exceed the vertical height of the dumpster by at least six (6) inches, with a maximum height of nine (9) feet. The required setback for enclosures Shall be twenty-five (25) feet adjacent to property that is either zoned or used as residential. The enclosure Shall be constructed using colors and architectural treatments consistent with the structure or facility it serves.
No single retail establishment may occupy more than one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet. Development proposals for greater than one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet for any single retail establishment may be granted as part of a Planned Unit Development or Planned Commercial rezoning or if granted a variance by the Lake County Board of Adjustment.
Cell Towers
All newly installed support structures Shall be camouflaged.
Height limitations: Support structures and attached antennas Shall not exceed one hundred forty (140) feet in height. Measurement Shall include base pad, structure, and any other attachments.
Tower Shall not be located within three thousand (3,000) feet of an existing tower, as measured in a straight line.
Cart returns in the parking lot Shall be provided for those stores that provide shopping carts.
Mobile storage systems are metal shipping containers and trailers that are used to store additional inventory outside of the store. Mobile storage systems Shall be prohibited.
Chain link fencing Shall be prohibited. Fencing around water retention areas and all other fencing Shall be ornamental metal fencing.
15.02.05 Roadway and Street Design Standards
Access to Commercial Sites
New commercial sites Shall have direct access to public rights-of-way. This may be accomplished by utilization of existing street frontage or through platting of streets internal to the commercial development and connected to an external public right-of-way.
Minimum Right-of-Way
All new streets and roadways within urbanizing areas Shall be designed and constructed with a minimum right-of-way of sixty (60) feet and Shall utilize a curb and gutter stormwater conveyance system.
New streets and roadways constructed within areas determined by the City and the County to remain rural may utilize a design and construction standard of sixty-six (66) feet of right-of-way and utilize swales for collection and conveyance of stormwater run-off.
Curb and Gutter Requirements
Where curb and gutter design is required for new streets and roadways, Miami-type curbing Shall be prohibited.
Pavement Width
New local streets and roadways Shall be designed and constructed with a minimum of ten (10) feet of lane width. The County Manager or designee may grant a waiver for lane widths to be narrowed to nine (9) feet, provided the streets are internal local streets and part of a clustered design subdivision under a Planned Unit Development.
New sidewalks Shall be designed and constructed with a minimum of five (5) feet of width. Where right-of-way is constrained and where a requirement for additional right-of-way cannot be justified the minimum width for design and construction may be lowered to four (4) feet for those areas where the constraints exist.
Stormwater Spread into Traveled Lanes for Local Streets and Collector Roadways
New streets and roadways Shall be designed to allow for the spread of stormwater at maximum volume to no more than one-half (½) of the traveled lane.
15.02.06 Signage Standards.
Signs with visible moving, revolving or rotating parts or visible mechanical movement of any description or other apparent visible movement achieved by electrical, electronic or mechanical means Shall be prohibited.
Signs with the optical illusion of movement by means of a design that presents a pattern capable of giving the illusion of motion or changing of copy Shall be prohibited.
Digital or light-emitting diode (LED) signs Shall be prohibited.
15.02.07 Lighting Standards.
The following lighting standards Shall apply to all site development until such time as countywide lighting standards are adopted and agreed to by the City of Clermont.
Parking lot lights and developer-installed streetlights Shall be aimed straight down and be enclosed in a shroud so that light will not project out in an upward or horizontal direction. No portion of the bulb Shall extend beyond the bottom of the shroud. Light poles Shall not be painted in primary colors.
Streetlights in Residential Subdivisions
The developer Shall be responsible for the installation of electric power lines, with all lines to be constructed underground.
Streetlights Shall be in accordance with City specifications and standards. The developer Shall forward approved development plans to the utility provider for streetlight design, which Shall customarily conform to the following:
Streetlights Shall be generally provided at all intersections, and at intervals along each street at a distance between three hundred (300) and four hundred (400) feet.
The developer Shall pay the City a sum equal to three (3) years' annual charge for streetlights required to serve the subdivision. The charge Shall be based upon a per-fixture rate utilizing best available current economic data, and payment Shall be made prior to acceptance of the final plant.
The developer Shall contract directly with the appropriate electric provider for purchase and installation of streetlights. All cost associated with the purchase and installation of streetlights Shall be borne by the developer. An executed contract with the utility provider and the annual charges stated above Shall be provided prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvement.
15.02.08 Landscaping.
The following standards apply in addition to or in lieu of landscaping requirements found in Chapter IX.
Parking Lot Trees: Sixty (60) percent of required canopy trees in parking lots Shall be live oak trees.
Lawn Grass: Grass areas Shall be planted in species normally grown as permanent lawns in the vicinity of the County. Grass areas may be sodded, plugged, sprigged, or seeded and Shall provide complete coverage planted to industry standards. In an effort to foster water conservation, new commercial, multifamily, common green areas in subdivisions, and retention ponds Shall use bahia grass or other approved drought tolerant ground cover.
Palm trees and pine trees may be used as a component of the landscape plan, but Shall not count towards the minimum canopy tree requirement. As many palms and pines as desired may be planted but will not count toward canopy tree requirements.
15.02.09 Parking Requirements
The following uses Shall adhere to the parking ratios, as indicated, all other uses Shall follow the required parking ratios within Chapter IX.
Land Use
Minimum Number of Spaces
per Indicated Unit
Per Unit of Measure
Offices and Veterinary Clinics 1 Per 200 sq. ft. of floorspace Retail business, wholesale business and personal services 1 Per 200 sq. ft. of floorspace 15.02.10 Grading Standards
Grading for subdivisions and residential sites Shall conform to the following standards of review:.
Grading Shall be limited to house and Building pads, road Rights-of-Way, approved subdivision features and stormwater management systems. Excessive grading Shall be prohibited.
Lot or subdivision grading Shall not adversely affect surrounding or downstream properties. The maximum slope directed toward adjacent property Shall be not steeper than 3:1 (horizontal:vertical).
Side and rear lot drainage swales must accommodate lot stormwater runoff between properties by providing a minimum of six (6) inches vertical elevation drop as measured between the structure and side drainage swale.
In order to minimize flooding and drainage problems between adjacent Lots, suggested maximum finished floor elevation difference between adjacent Lots is two (2) feet for subdivisions with five-foot building setback. The finished floor elevation between adjacent lots may be increased by the use of retaining wall/stem walls and/or by increasing the Building setback on the Plat.
Drainage swales located between residential Lots Shall be used to collect stormwater from homesites only. The main subdivision drainage system Shall be located within the proposed Right-of-Way. Conveying stormwater behind or between residential Lots other than for directly connected Lot drainage Shall be prohibited. Any changes to approved subdivision/Lot grading Shall be submitted by a professional engineer (registered in the State of Florida) and approved by the County.
Elevation changes in topography Shall be limited to ten (10) feet. The exception to this rule will be for roads, stormwater ponds and golf courses with approval of the County Manager or designee.
Graded slopes Shall be rounded and shaped to blend with the naturally occurring slopes at a radius compatible with the existing natural terrain and Shall follow the natural contours, unless terracing techniques Shall be utilized.
Graded slopes Shall be stabilized with sod, seed and mulch, landscaping or other approved method.
Identify sites for borrow or disposal of fill or cut material.
Cross sections of the project which illustrate pre and post lot—Grading conditions Shall be required as determined by the County Engineer.
All internal subdivision roadway design Shall follow the natural contours of the existing topography to the greatest extent practicable. Subdivisions located within Urban or Urban Expansion Areas (as per Future Land Use Map) Shall use closed drainage systems (curb and gutter).
For internal subdivision roads, the maximum slope for the transitional grade from edge of Right-of-Way to natural grade Shall be 3:1.
Grading for site plans and non-residential Shall conform to the following standards of review:
Grading Shall be limited to approved building pads, parking Lots, access drives thereto and Stormwater management systems as shown on approved site plans. Excessive grading Shall be prohibited.
Elevation changes in topography Shall be limited to fifteen (15) feet. The exception to this rule will be for roads and stormwater ponds with approval of the County Manager or designee.
Terraces Shall include a minimum five-foot landscape Buffer along the boundary.
Fences, guardrails or walls Shall be provided along the boundary of terraces to secure public safety and welfare.
For purposes of this section, excavation Shall mean to cut, scoop, dig or expose to view by digging away a covering, either by mechanical means or by hand.
Grade Change Limitations. It is the intent of this Section to minimize alterations of the natural topography of land within Lake County. Elevation changes in topography Shall not exceed ten (10) feet for residential or fifteen (15) feet for commercial. Design criteria will emphasize Site designs that fit the topography, not change the topography to fit the design. Any development proposed for a Site Shall be appropriate to the existing natural topographical characteristics of the Site, while recognizing that minimal grade changes are essential to Site development. The exception to this rule will be for roads, stormwater ponds, and golf courses with approval of the County Manager or designee.
(Ord. No. 2005-64, § 2, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 2006-53, § 2, 6-20-06; Ord. No. 2017-52, § 20, 10-24-17; Ord. No. 2018-37, § 2, 8-21-18)