§ 14.10.00. Master Park Plans.  

Latest version.
  • 14.10.01 Generally. The County Manager or designee Shall have the authority to approve master park plans to permit the development of mobile home and recreational vehicle parks; provided, however, that no master park plan which authorizes the development of five (5) or more lots, dwelling units, or placement of recreational vehicles Shall be approved by the County Manager, or designee, unless the School Board has provided a certification in accordance with Chapter V-A of these regulations indicating that there is or will be sufficient school capacity to provide education services for the students who will live in dwelling units or recreational vehicles placed or constructed on such lots.

    14.10.02 Applications.


    Applications for master park plan review Shall be available at the office of County Manager or designee. A completed application Shall be signed by all owners, or their agent, of the property subject to the proposal, and notarized. Signatures by agents will be accepted only with notarized proof of authorization by the owners. In a case of corporate ownership, the authorized signature Shall be accompanied by notation of the signatory's office in the corporation.


    Submittal requirements. The master park plan Shall be prepared by an architect, surveyor or land planner together with an engineer and Shall be submitted to the County Manager or designee on a reproducible sheet, size twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches with two (2) prints drawn to scale and Shall contain the following information:


    Name of the park, park owner and address.


    Exact dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings, structures, streets, driveways, off-street parking spaces, off-street loading spaces and sidewalks.


    The number of mobile homes, existing and proposed.


    The existing and proposed land use of all areas and structures within the park.


    Any abutting public street, delineating both the location of the right-of-way and pavement.


    Existing and proposed topography at one (1) foot contour intervals.


    A complete legal description of the property.


    Required permits and approvals from agencies of the State of Florida.


    Landscape plan. The plan Shall be prepared by a registered landscape architect if the plan proposes development of three (3) or more dwelling units or any commercial, industrial, or community facility project. The plan Shall include the following:


    A detailed plan, illustrating the irrigation system Shall be provided to meet the requirements of Section 9.01. Irrigated areas Shall be graphically shown, including areas not irrigated, and their areas quantified in square feet or acres in relative percentages on the landscape plan;


    Designation by common and botanical (scientific) name, including applicable cultivar name, size, and location of plant material to be installed or preserved in a natural state in accordance with the requirements of this Section;


    Landscaping on adjacent property intended to count towards any landscaping requirement;


    Location of all required buffers, showing width and number of required trees, shrubs, and landscape features;


    Location of preserved trees, or clusters of trees, intended to count for landscape credits with the species and Diameter at Breast Height Caliper called out or a certification by a registered Landscape Architect or certified Arborist stating that a group of trees will meet the minimum size for required trees;


    A tree removal permit application for any protected trees proposed to be removed, showing their location.

    (Ord. No. 2009-62, § 16, 12-1-09)

    14.10.03 Expiration of Approvals.


    Master park plan approval Shall be effective for a period of twenty-four (24) months from issuance. The applicant Shall complete construction of the infrastructure in accordance with the approved master park plan within this time period.


    The applicant may submit a written request for a single two (2) month extension. Such written request Shall be submitted at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of the effective period, otherwise such master park plan approval Shall expire. If submitted on time, the extension Shall be granted where the applicant has demonstrated a good-faith effort to proceed with the project and has diligently worked with the County Manager or designee towards such. However, the extension Shall be denied if any portion of the master park plan is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan.


    In the event the applicant does not complete the construction of the infrastructure within the initial twenty-four (24) month master park plan approval period, and an extension is either (a) not applied for; (b) applied for and denied; or (c) applied for, granted, and expired, the applicant Shall be required to submit a new application for master park plan approval. Such re-submittal Shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal.

(Ord. No. 2002-28, § 3, 4-16-02; Ord. No. 2006-107, § 5, 10-17-06; Ord. No. 2009-19, § 6, 4-21-09)