§ 6.03.00. Determination and Protection of Natural Upland Communities, Habitat of Designated Species, and Wildlife Corridors.  

Latest version.
  • 6.03.01 Purpose and intent. The purpose of this Section is to protect the following natural resources in Lake County from potential negative impacts associated with Land Development, as shown below. It is the intent of this Section to provide standards necessary to protect designated species and associated habitats, and Natural Upland Communities within the County that are rare or endangered due to development impacts. It is also the intent of this Section to provide standards for land to be set aside for the protection of designated species habitat, and rare and endangered Natural Upland Communities. The following natural resources shall be protected:


    Designated species that occur in Lake County;


    Natural Upland Communities in which designated species are found, including sufficient habitat for feeding, nesting, roosting, resting, traveling and migration so as to maintain viable populations of designated species; and


    Natural Upland Communities, to include the following and associated wildlife:

    Natural Upland Community Florida Land Use & Cover Classification System (FLUCCS) Designation
    Palmetto Prairie 321
    Pine Flatwoods 411
    Longleaf Pine/Xeric Oak 412
    Sand Pine Scrub 413
    Pine, Oak and Hickory 423
    Temperate Hardwoods 425
    Xeric Hammock 427


    6.03.02 Determination of Natural Upland Communities, Habitat of Designated Species, and Wildlife Corridors. An inventory or survey shall be provided for all development proposals prior to any clearing or grubbing of the development site at the required time of submittal pursuant to Chapter XIV of these regulations, unless otherwise exempted.

    6.03.03 Standards for Sites Containing Natural Upland Communities.


    Exemptions. The following activities are exempt from these minimum standards:


    Road construction projects of the Board of County Commissioners that meet an overriding public interest and for which no suitable alternative route exists.


    Agriculture and silviculture practices. Agriculture and silviculture practices as defined in Chapter II, so long as such activities are in accordance with best management practices, and consistent with all federal and state laws pertaining to designated species.


    Minimum Preservation Requirements.


    A minimum of fifty (50) percent of each natural upland community occurring on the site shall be preserved as open space, unless the County Manager or designee approves mitigation.


    Additional natural upland community areas preserved beyond the fifty (50) percent minimum shall be encouraged.


    To the greatest extent practical, preserved open space shall be adjacent to other areas of preserved open space to provide larger blocks and/or corridors.


    Management Plan Required. Preserved upland community sites containing 50 or more acres shall be required to submit a management plan that will be subject to review and approval by the County Manager or designee and shall contain the following:


    An aerial map at a scale of one (1) inch equals two hundred (200) feet when available, and one (1) inch equals four hundred (400) feet otherwise, showing:


    The habitat classification according to Florida Land Use Covers and Classification System (FLUCCS) or FNAI;


    An overall description of the community showing the general vegetation structure and composition, landscape position, soils, and hydrology; and


    The areas to be preserved, including the habitat.


    Recommended management activities to be undertaken to ensure the preservation of the area in its natural state and viability of the species in the area.


    A plan that specifies implementation activities, schedules and assignment of responsibilities.


    Mitigation. The property owner may mitigate by contributing funds in lieu of protecting Natural Upland Communities on-site so long as it is determined that such contribution will result in "no net loss" of habitat. The funds shall be allocated toward a County or regional designated species mitigation site, administered by the County, USFWS or FFWCC. Assessments shall be based upon the acreage of occupied habitat impacted that would otherwise be required to be preserved under this section.

    6.03.04 Requirements Where Site Contains Designated Species, and/or Wildlife Corridor for Such Species. Sites containing designated species and/or wildlife corridors for such species are regulated by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and/or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

(Ord. No. 2013-69, § 3, 12-17-13)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 2013-69, § 3, adopted December 17, 2013, repealed and replaced § 6.03.00 in its entirety. Former § 6.03.00 pertained to wellfield protection and was derived from Ord. No. 2001-112, § 3, adopted August 7, 2001.