§ 3.09.00. Lighting Standards.
3.09.01 Purpose and Intent. Lighting design shall be designed to provide safe, convenient, and efficient lighting for pedestrians and vehicles. Lighting shall be designed in a consistent and coordinated manner for the entire site. The lighting and lighting fixtures shall be integrated and designed to enhance the visual impact on the community and/or blends into the landscape.
3.09.02 General Provisions. Outdoor lighting for any development approved for construction shall follow the standards as outlined below. Product documentation and lighting plans shall be required for review and approval with all projects requiring a building permit for a final site plan approval.
3.09.03 Street Lighting. Street Lighting applies to all common lighting within subdivisions. All lighting fixtures shall be designed and arranged so as not to interfere with the enjoyment of neighboring properties, residents, or the safety of neighboring roads. The amount of light which radiates from a street lighting source and crosses an adjacent lot, parcel or property lot line shall not exceed two tenths (0.2) of one (1) foot candle as measured from five (5) feet the parcel or property Lot Line of the adjacent residential lot. The following standards apply:
Lighting shall be decorative and blend with the architectural style of the development.
Lighting shall be cutoff fixtures designed and located to minimize glare and overhead sky glow.
Lighting shall be spaced no greater than three hundred (300) feet apart and shall be top shielded, downward directional lighting.
Canopy and overhead lighting shall be recessed or shielded in a manner that prevents lighting of the horizontal axis.
Lighting controls shall be provided that will automatically extinguish all outdoor lighting when sufficient daylight is available.
3.09.04 Commercial Lighting. Commercial buildings and projects, including parking areas and outparcels, shall be designed to provide safe, convenient, and efficient lighting for pedestrians and vehicles. Lighting shall be designed in a consistent and coordinated manner for the entire site. The lighting and lighting fixtures shall be integrated and designed to enhance the visual impact of the project on the community and/or blends into the landscape. The following standards apply:
Lighting shall be designed to prevent direct glare, light spillage and hazardous interference with automotive and pedestrian traffic on adjacent streets and all adjacent properties.
Lighting fixtures shall be a maximum of thirty (30) feet in height within the parking lot and shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height within non-vehicular pedestrian areas.
Lighting shall be used to provide safety while accenting key architectural elements and/or to emphasize landscape features. Light fixtures shall be designed as an integral design element that complements the design or the project through style, material or color and shall be designed to blend into the landscape using dark colors. Mill finish is not permitted.
Parking lots that are to be used after dark shall be adequately lighted. The lighting shall not shine directly upon any adjacent residence or street and shall not produce excessive glare.
Lighting controls shall be provided that will automatically extinguish all outdoor lighting when sufficient daylight is available.
3.09.05 Residential Lighting. All outside residential lighting fixtures shall be designed and arranged so as not to interfere with the enjoyment of neighboring properties, residents, or the safety of neighboring roads. The amount of light which radiates from a source and crosses an adjacent residential or agricultural lot line shall not exceed two tenths (0.2) of one (1) foot candle as measured at the residential or agricultural lot line. Lighting shall be provided that will automatically extinguish all outdoor lighting when sufficient daylight is available.
3.09.06 Exemptions. The following shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section:
Lighting within a public right-of-way or easement for the principal purpose of illuminating streets or roads other than those within new subdivisions.
Lighting of public monuments and statuary.
Lighting for signs.
Temporary lighting for construction sites.
Seasonal lighting.
Lighting for emergency purposes.
Lighting on property owned or under the control of any municipality, county, state or federal government.
(Ord. No. 2017-52, § 8, 10-24-17)