Lake County |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix A. LOCAL LAWS |
Division 2. PUBLICITY TAX |
§ 2-97. Use; requisitions.
All moneys collected under the provisions of this act [division] shall be expended for the above-mentioned publicity purposes and necessary costs of equipment used in preparing and disseminating publicity, including administration costs and salaries. Said moneys shall be paid out upon the requisition of the duly authorized officer of an advertising agency of Lake County designated by the board of county commissioners; and, where possible, such requisition shall be supported by budgeted items for such agency or receipted bill or bills incurred by such agency to be approved by an officer thereof. Said requisitions may be made monthly, or from time to time, as shall be determined by the officers of such agency.
(Laws. of Fla., Ch. 69-1203, § 2)